Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Growing up Ezra

Ezra has a big-O head. A Sanchez head as I like to call it. He's grown strong and has started to sit up, grab at every thing, pull hair and somehow, stand up. He takes baths in his rubber ducky tub like he's relaxing in a jacuzzi. He no longer cries as much as he yells, practically making demands. If he doesn't like something, it's very clear. The kid is seven months going on 17. Next thing you know he'll be breaking curfew and crushing on girls.

For now, he's perfecting is roll over, practicing at the most inopportune times -- the middle of the night. It doesn't matter to me that he fusses, although my body and internal clock would slap me for saying so. They have their set ways, a routine well established before any baby, no matter how cute he might be. Man, is he adorable or what? He smiles more than ever before. Each time it's like the Lord said "let there be smiles" and Ezra heard Him. It never gets old. I think of ways to make Ezra grin for my own selfish reasons. I want to feel the high each smile brings. I am addicted to Ezra.

Smiles McGee over here :)
His mother likes to take pictures of them together. Somehow, they manage to make the exact same America's top model face. He can eat baby rice, peas, and banana among other soft foods. The thought of this nearly brings tears to my eyes. Every milestone he reaches will be a celebration in my heart. And knowing how I am, I will rejoice in all his simple accomplisments, instances that would draw a mere yawn to the casual observer: "He slept through the night? He laughed aloud? He gave me a high-five? He said ta-ta? He picked something up and threw it? Wow!" 

I won't ever brag about him, but I will support and advocate for him whether it be after his first made shot or homerun. When he gets an A or helps a friend. Ezra will know his father loves him and stands with him always. He will know right from wrong, not only because I taught him, but because he understands and makes the choice on his own. That is my dream, that he becomes a man of integrity who stands firmly in his beliefs, willing and excited to chase his dreams. As of today, he's is just a little boy but so was every great man who walked this earth.  

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