Monday, March 14, 2016

5 for 5: Growing up Living the EzLife

Dear Ezra,

Before your birth day – as in the actual day you arrived on this earth – I furiously studied how to be a good dad. Friends sent me books on fatherhood and I had conversations with other dads to start gathering information. Trust me, with all the material I collected, it looked like I was walking into a CIA intelligence briefing.

I spent my nights scouring the internet for tips on everything from treating a diaper rash to the sniffles. That first year of your life, I read story after story about essentially keeping you alive. Seriously, I should have just googled how to keep human baby breathing.

And today, on your 5th birthday, I can honestly say that the research never stops. And I realize I'm totally behind too because I focused so much on one thing. Let me put it like this little man: the re-education of your pops, Rick Sanchez Jr., is in full effect.

Did you know that when I was a kid, YouTube and Siri did not exist? I mean, they’re killing me by giving you all that information and explaining everything in a fun visual way, all at your fingertips.  The knowledge you’re collecting I’ve either forgotten long ago or never ever learned. The average person doesn’t know how many days it takes Mercury to revolve around the sun. Or the weather conditions on Neptune. Most can’t name the capitol of Maryland, Vermont or North Dakota.

How am I supposed to know all of this bro!

But I’m so proud of you and your exploration of the solar system and the planets. Like you, I used to get a kick out of memorizing the capitols of the United States. Your innocent thirst for information definitely reignites my boyhood passion for learning about the most random facts. And I love it.

***Side Note, real quick: One of my favorite movies is the Jackson 5 American Dream that aired on ABC back in the day. It's a classic. I’m sure you’ll watch it soon. In that, Joe Jackson woke up Michael and his brothers and sisters in the middle of the night and had them sing and dance for his friends. I’m guilty of something similar but you don’t realize it. See, I occasionally ask people to try and stump you by challenging you to name the capitols of all the states. It’s just me trying to show you off. And you always deliver. Always.***

I can’t believe it’s been five years since I watched you enter this world. And since then, the world has changed and evolved with you. You were born into the social media age which has revolutionized how people communicate and communities interact. Because of this you’re probably smarter and more advanced as it is natural for human beings to develop skills and adapt with the specific tools and resources at their disposal. But guess what, you still don’t know it all. And after five years of you schooling me, it’s time that I start teaching you some stuff too. 

So, in the spirit of Buzzfeed and every other digital media site out there that represents the time in which you were born.  Now that you are 5 years old, here are five things you should know:

1. Never stop loving unconditionally. Ok, that’s deep and probably way over your head, but trust me, you do it every day. Do not let anything or anyone stop you from exhibiting love. It is a true power that can move mountains.

2. Fight. Fight. Fight.  I don’t mean fight with your friends. Or me. Or your mom. Fill your heart with a drive and determination to achieve the things you truly want and fight for it. Not everything will be handed to you, remember that. Oh, and if you absolutely need to pop a bully in the nose with quick jab, then do what you have to do.

3. Never let anyone put you down. They are intimidated, they are scared, they don't understand and thus feel threatened. When your light shines some will cover up. Ignore them. The people you want are those who will see your light and bask in it.

4. Continue to smile big. When you gift someone a smile, anyone, a stranger, your grandmother, your teacher, you may inject them with a little bit of hope, love. Smiles are contagious. Some people are immune but the majority of the world is not. And because it’s not, it is a better place due to the warmth that radiates from each interaction.

5.  Be brave. Do it. Even if it’s against conventional wisdom or popular belief. Even if it means you’ll be embarrassed. Even if the results won’t go your way. It’s in the “you never know” that lies the bravery. The biggest regret you'll ever have is uttering the words "I wish I would have..."
Ok, Ezra, sorry son. Let’s bring it down a couple notches. You’re only 5. I realize these words will be completely lost on you. Hopefully when you look back on them, you’ll understand. For now, here’s a Top 5 that might work for you:

1. Eat cereal. For whatever reason you don't like it but find a way, through a Lucky Charm, a Cheerio, a Frosted Flake, something!

2. Dancing is cool. Find your rhythm. I love that you love Bruno Mars and Michael Jackson. Keep that going.

3. Don't cry for everything. Do your best to suck it up. This does not mean to keep in your emotions, it means to control them.

4. Speak clearly and speak up. Your voice is powerful when it’s heard.

5. Brush your teeth. Please. Just brush them. Really Good.

That’s it.

Love you and Happy Birthday,


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