Let me tell you about the top tooth. The thing is really half tooth, half gum, staring at me when Ezra smiles.
I eye it back, my attention focused squarely on it waiting for it to show itself. It’s like a game of peek-a-boo, only the tooth is paused somewhere between peek and boo.
The tooth and I have an understanding. I’ll make sure to brush it and keep it clean and it's agreed to come in straight and strong. The tooth reminds me of Ezra. How it sits there, showing its potential, not exactly where it needs to be yet but growing stronger by the day.
Today, my son turned 1 years old and part of me wishes he was still all gums. My other half can't wait for those teeth to come in and make him a big boy. In other words, I've learned being a parent comes with a lot of mixed feelings.
The top tooth is there...can you see it? Happy Bday Z! |
The other day on the train I saw a women give her thirsty child some Coca-Cola. The kid had to be no older than two or three years old. I winced and nearly stepped in. To me, that was Ezra she was giving soda too. I wanted to say something. Tell her she was wrong. I realized how when you have a child, suddenly every child becomes your own. You see your son or daughter in them. They make you laugh and cry. You want to celebrate their successes. You want to help them when they're in trouble.
Ezra turns 1 today and in essence, I turn 1 too. When Z entered this world, I became a new man and because of that he’s changed me in a way no one else could. In one year Ezra taught me what 31 years before him couldn't — how to love unconditionally.
Today I celebrate my baby boy, my wife who gave him to me and the Lord for determining I was worthy of both blessings. This past year has been the greatest of my life and I have the privilege to watch him grow until the day I take my last breath. Or as the great philosopher Winnie the Pooh once said…
Happy Birthday son, Daddy loves you.